About "Zholesk" Kennel

    "Zholesk" kennel was registered in 2000, but the first breeding female Sasquehanna Eskapada (Hanna) was bought in 1997 in the famous Polish kennel «Sasquehanna» the dogs from which won the most prestigious shows not once. Hanna has the following titles – InterChampion, Champion of Russia and she is present in pedigrees of practically all of my dogs. I think I was lucky with Hanna as the ancestor of the kennel. Hanna is «on a deserved pension» already but her daughter Zholesk Primavera is still «working». Primavera has the titles of InterChampion, Champion of Russia, Ukraine, Belorussia, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Champion of the National Breed Club, GrandChampion. She, in her turn, has presented the kennel with the following outstanding daughters – Zholesk Pina Colada (owner – E.Tomina) – the Young Champion of Europe, InterChampion, Zholesk Raiskaya Ptichka – World Champion, InterChampion.

    But I think that my best piece of luck was buying a puppy Sampan Basta who is up to now at the age of 8 the most titled Chinese Crested dog in Russia. Sampan is World Champion, BOB-2002, Champion of Europe, BOB-2004, InterChampion, Champion of Russia, Holland, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Belorussia, Champion of the National Club, BOB at EuroAsia in 2002, 2003, 2004. 

    Sampan is not only an outstanding dog, he is an outstanding sire as well. His children which are more than 150 have a lot of titles starting from Country Champions up to World Champions (Zholesk Raiskaya Ptichka) and European Champions (Irina Poarott, owner – K.Maidlen).

   Now when the breed is so popular that it has become the most numerous in group IX (the group of companion dogs) the Chinese Crested from “Zholesk» kennel continue to win in the biggest and most prestigious shows such as «EuroAsia», «EuroAsia 1» - 2008 BOB – Zholesk Rocambole, «EuroAsia 2» - 2008 BOB – Zholesk Joker (owner – E.Tomina).

     The kennel is situated not far from Moscow where there are the most comfortable conditions specially created for the dogs. In warm seasons my «Chinese» spend all day long outside. In winter they also walk a lot what allows them to always be in a good shape. 

   People who have bought a puppy in «Zholesk» can always address me with any question or get a consultation about puppy growing, show preparation, pair choice etc.

   I will be glad to communicate and to cooperate with both professionals and amateurs, lovers of the Chinese Crested dogs.

   Best Regards, Ludmila Ganipolskaya




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